The 中国一级片 holds an ongoing Research Seminar Series in Economics, Finance and Accounting (EFA). The Seminar Series invites domestic and international scholars to present their research papers in the EFA area. The participants are mainly 中国一级片 faculty and research associates. The Seminar Series is open to scholars from other schools and institutes.


Date Seminar Title Time Venue Speaker
2022.03.02 The Dictator's Handbook 2/e 9:00-10:30 Webinar Bruce BUENO DE MESQUITA, New York University
2022.02.23 Inspiring Regime Change 9:00-10:30 Webinar Mehdi SHADMEHR, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2022.02.16 The Labor Costs of Changing Accounting Standards 12:00-13:00 FB-413
2022.01.26 State Ownership, Derivative Hedging and Firm Risk- Evidence from China’s Central Parity Reform of Renminbi 12:00-13:00 FB-413
2021.11.10 A Model of Censorship, Propaganda, and Repression 9:00-10:30 Webinar Scott GEHLBACH, University of Chicago
2021.10.27 Hidden Harmony 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Ning Neil YU , Nanjing Audit University
2021.10.20 Does Sunlight Kill Germs? Stock Market Listing and Workplace Safety 12:00-13:00 FB-413
2021.09.29 Small Campaign Contributions 16:00-17:30 Webinar Julia CAG?, Sciences Po Paris
2021.09.29 Leviathan's Offer: State-Building with Elite Compensation in Early Medieval China 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Chen Yuxin(Joy), CKGSB
2021.09.15 Optimal Political Career Dynamics 09:00-10:30 Webinar Avidit Acharya, Stanford University
2021.09.08 Preventing Information Leakage 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Li Dan (SME) , CUHK
2021.09.01 Re-framing China: The Counter-Narrative Strategies of Chinese State Media on Twitter 09:00-10:30 Webinar Jennifer PAN, Stanford University
2021.08.25 Choosing Political Advisers 16:00-17:30 Webinar Francesco SQUINTANI, University of Warwick
2021.07.21 3G Internet and Confidence in Government 16:00-17:30 Webinar Sergei GURIEV, Sciences Po
2021.07.21 Do Parent Firms Influence Proxy Advisors' Recommendations 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Xucheng Shi , HEC Paris
2021.07.14 09:00-10:30 Webinar Christopher Blattman, University of Chicago
2021.06.30 Does the All-Star Award Affect Analysts’ Performance? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design and the Field 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Hai Lu, Guanghua School of Management Peking University
2021.06.30 09:00-10:30 Webinar Pedro DAL B?, Brown University
2021.06.23 Hiring Managers and Their Incentives 12:00-13:00 FB-413
2021.06.16 The Rise and Fall of Local Elections in China 09:00-10:30 Webinar Gerard PADR? i MIQUEL, Yale University
2021.06.09 Social Media and Xenophobia: Theory and Evidence from Russia (with Leonardo Bursztyn, Ruben Enikolopov, and Maria Petrova) 09:00-10:30 Webinar Georgy Egorov, Northwestern University
2021.06.02 09:00-10:30 Webinar Daniel Treisman, University of California, Los Angeles
2021.05.19 The Real Effects of Financial Technology: Marketplace Lending and Personal Bankruptcy 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Ilaf Elard , NYU Shanghai
2021.05.05 Misspecified Politics and the Recurrence of Populism 16:00-17:30 Webinar Ronny Razin, London School of Economics
2021.04.28 Corporate Fake News on Social Media 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Rosy Xu, University of Miami
2021.04.21 Quantitative Easing, Investment, and Safe Assets: The Corporate-Bond Lending Channel 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Ye Wang, University of International Business and Economics
2021.04.14 Was Sarbanes-Oxley Costly? Evidence from Optimal Contracting on CEO Compensation 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Chen Li, NYU Shanghai
2021.04.07 In Art We Trust 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Marshall X. Ma, Erasmus University Rotterdam
2021.03.31 The Impacts of the U.S. Trade War on Chinese Exporters 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Yang Jiao, Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University
2021.03.31 The Franchise, Policing, and Race: Evidence from Arrests Data and the Voting Rights Act 09:00-10:30 Webinar
2021.03.10 China’s Gilded Age: The Paradox of Economic Boom and Vast Corruption 09:00-10:30 Webinar Yuen Yuen Ang, University of Michigan
2021.03.03 Firm-level Climate Change Exposure 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Ruishen Zhang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
2021.02.24 Political Quotas and Governance 09:00-10:30 Webinar Siwan Anderson, University of British Columbia
2020.12.09 09:00-10:30 Webinar Marcel Fafchamps, Stanford University
2020.12.08 Communication Infrastructure and Stabilizing Food Prices: Evidence from the Telegraph Network in China 12:00-13:00 FB213/Webinar
2020.12.02 “Quick Response” Economic Stimulus: The Effect of Small-Value Digital Coupons on Spending 12:00-13:00 FB213/Webinar
2020.11.18 Attitudes, Aptitudes, and the Roots of the Great Enrichment 09:00-10:30 Webinar Joel Mokyr, Northwestern University
2020.11.04 Leaving the (fund) gate ajar: investor protection or marketing ploy? 15:00-16:00 Webinar Adrian Lee , Deakin University
2020.10.21 Gender Difference in Tolerance of Sexual Crimes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in the Stock Market 12:00-13:00 FB-413 Huasheng Gao, Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University
2020.10.16 Voting Up? The Effects of Democracy and Franchise Extension on Human Stature 15:00-16:00 Webinar Alberto Batinti, Xi’an Jiaotong - Liverpool University
2020.10.07 Policy Decay and Political Competition 09:00-10:30 Webinar Steven Callander, Stanford University
2020.09.30 Social Media and Protests in China 16:00-17:30 Webinar David Stromberg, Stockholm
2020.09.16 09:00-10:30 Webinar Roger Myerson, University of Chicago
2020.09.09 The Deep Historical Roots of Modern Culture: A Comparative Perspective 09:00-10:30 Webinar Gerard Roland , UC Berkeley
2020.09.01 When is Debt Odious? A Theory of Repression and Growth Traps 09:00-10:30 Webinar Viral Acharya , NYU Stern
2020.08.12 Data-intensive Innovation and the State:Evidence from AI Firms in China 09:00-10:30 Webinar David Yang, Harvard
2020.08.05 Implications of Covid-19 for the Global Political Economy 09:00-10:30 Webinar Glen Weyl, Microsoft
2020.07.22 The Competence-Loyalty Tradeoff in China’s Political Selection 16:00-17:30 Webinar Yang Yao, Peking University
2020.07.14 Rebooting Chinese consumption after Covid-19 10:00-11:00 Webinar
2020.06.24 Identity, Beliefs, and Political Conflict 16:00-17:30 Webinar Guido Tabellini, Bocconi University
2020.06.17 Escaping the Climate Trap? Values, Technologies, and Politics 16:00-17:30 Webinar Tim Besley, London School of Economics
2020.06.10 A Theory of Elite-Initiated Democratization Illustrated with the Case of Myanmar 09:00-10:30 Webinar Patrick Francois, University of British Columbia
2020.06.03 Post-Pandemic Deglobalization 15:00-16:00 Webinar Heiwai TANG, University of Hong Kong
2020.05.27 Clearing the Smog: Monitors, Accountability and Pollution Reduction in China 16:00-17:00 Zichen DENG, Norwegian School of Economics
2020.05.20 Influence Activities and Bureaucratic Performance: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment in China 15:00-16:00 Guojun HE, HKUST
2020.01.22 Please Be My Friend: Political Connections Through Common Birthplace 12:00-13:00 Yifan Zhou, University of Melbourne
2020.01.08 The complementarity between CSR disclosures and the use of CSR-based performance measures in CEO annual incentive contracts 12:00-13:00 Lu Yang, Monash University
2019.12.20 Does the Implementation of a Business Intelligence System Improve Employees’ Work Commitment? Evidence from a Large Chinese Construction Company 12:00-13:00 Alex Wang, Australian National University
2019.12.18 When a Passive Blockholder Suddenly Becomes Active: Informed Trading at Option Market 12:00-13:00 Julian Zhang, Loyola Marymount University
2019.12.11 Media and Shareholder Activism 12:00-13:00 Abhishek Ganguly, Indiana University
2019.12.04 Austerity and Elections: New Empirical Evidence 12:00-13:00 Gabriele Ciminelli, Asia School of Business
2019.11.27 How Does Reputational Capital Affect Professional Behavior? Evidence from Analysts Who Become All-stars 12:00-13:00 Hong Wu, Fudan University
2019.07.26 The Causal Impact of Corporate Governance on Firms’ Narrative Disclosures: Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity Design 12:00-13:30 Arup Ganguly, University of Mississippi
2019.07.26 Hedge Fund Activism and Capital Structure 12:00-13:30 Lin Ge, University of Mississippi
2019.07.17 Do Firm-Specific and Peer Firm Information Shape Managers’ Non-GAAP Reporting Decisions? 12:00-13:30 Sangwan Kim, University of Massachusetts Boston
2019.07.12 Do IPO Firms Misclassify Expenses? Implications for IPO Price Formation and Post-IPO Stock Performance 12:00-13:30 Kelvin Liu, Northeastern University
2019.05.27 Noise from Other Industries: Overgeneralization and Analyst Beliefs 13:30-15:00 Rex Wang, Erasmus University Rotterdam
2019.05.24 Political Economy of Finance Workshop:Presidential Power and Shareholder Wealth 13:45-14:30 Mario Schabus, University of Melbourne
2019.05.24 Political Economy of Finance Workshop: Lending Cycles and Real Outcomes: Costs of Political Misalignment 13:00-13:45 Orkun Saka, University of Sussex
2019.05.24 Political Economy of Finance Workshop: Corruption and Firms: Evidence from Randomized Audits in Brazil 11:00-11:45 Mounu Prem, Universidad del Rosario
2019.05.24 Political Economy of Finance Workshop: Why Do Corporate PACs Give so Little Money to Politicians? 10:15-11:00 Viktar Fedaseyeu, Università Bocconi
2019.05.22 The Silver Lining of China’s Self-Strengthening Movement 10:30-12:00 Cong Liu, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
2019.05.15 Multi-Class Shares Around the World: The Role of Institutional Investors 13:30-15:00 Pedro Matos, University of Virginia
2019.05.15 How Monitoring affects Organizational Change: Evidence from a Field Experiment 13:30-15:00 David Erkens, Georgetown University
2019.04.26 Superstition and risk-taking: Evidence from “zodiac year” investment in China 10:30-12:00 Yongxiang Wang, University of Southern California
2019.03.15 Resale price maintenance in a corruptible market 14:00-15:30 Travis NG, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2019.03.06 Equilibrium Bitcoin Pricing 12:00-13:30 Albert Menkveld, VU University Amsterdam
2019.02.13 Do information contagion and business model similarities explain bank credit risk commonalities? 12:00-13:30 Dieter Wang, VU Amsterdam / Tinbergen Institute
2019.01.23 Soft Information in the Financial Press and Analysts’ Recommendation Revisions 12:00-13:30 Dexin Zhou, Baruch College
2018.12.12 More Cash, Less Innovation: The Effect of the American Jobs Creation Act on Patent Value 12:00-13:30 Kevin Tseng, University of Kansas
2018.11.06 Re-orienting the Statement of Cash Flows around Cash Flows to Equity Holders 12:00-13:30 Ilia Dichev, Emory University
2018.10.29 Travel distance and corporate investment policy 12:00-13:30 Chung-Yu Hung, University of Melbourne
2018.08.27 Who Pays Attention to SEC Form 8-K? 14:00-16:00 Peter Easton, Chicago Partners LLC
2018.08.22 Conservative Accounting and Free Cash Flow 14:00-16:00 Peter Easton, Chicago Partners LLC
2018.07.06 How Managing Failure Perceptions Affects Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment 12:00-13:30 David Erkens, Georgetown University
2018.06.27 On the dynamics of government debt maturity 12:00-13:30 Mattia Landoni, Southern Methodist University
2018.06.14 Auditor-related Provisions in Private Loan Agreements, Audit Fees, and Audit Quality 12:00-13:30 Lin Cheng, University of Arizona
2018.05.17 Network induced agency problems in emerging markets 14:00-16:00 T.J. Wong, University of Southern California
2018.05.14 Drilling and Debt 12:00-13:30 Elena Loutskina, University of Virginia
2018.04.18 Do Rating Agencies Apply Standards Consistently? Coarseness in Ratings around the Dodd-Frank Act 11:30-13:00 Pepa Kraft, HEC Paris
2018.04.18 Public Interest in Firm Disclosures 11:30-13:00 Vedran Capkun, HEC Paris
2018.03.28 Socially Responsible Corporate Customers 12:00-13:30 Rui Dai, University of Pennsylvania
2018.03.21 Range and Sign Dependent Utility 12:00-13:30 Manel Baucells, University of Virginia
2018.01.31 Energy Investments: An adaptive approach to profiting from uncertainties 12:00-13:30 Ricardo Barcelona, IESE Business School
2018.01.24 Hardening Soft Information: Analyst Conservative Bias 12:00-13:30 Amy Zang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2017.11.08 Role of Investor Relations in Coping with Shareholder Activism 12:00-13:30 Lin Ge, University of Pittsburgh
2017.11.01 Textual Disclosure in SEC Filings and Litigation Risk 12:00-13:30 Arup Ganguly, University of Pittsburgh
2017.08.24 Wealth Transfer and Acquirer CEO Incentives on the Method of Payment in Corporate Acquisitions 12:00-13:30 Yuanzhi Li, Temple University
2017.07.19 Uncertainty in Managers’ Reporting Objectives and Investors’ Response to Earnings Reports: Evidence from the 2006 Executive Compensation Disclosures 12:00-13:30 Yuan Zou, Columbia University
2017.07.05 Household Risk Management: Financial Contracting versus Social Contracting 12:00-13:30 Henrik Cronqvist, University of Miami
2017.05.24 Do Activist Hedge Funds Target Female CEOs? The Role of CEO Gender in Hedge Fund Activism 12:00-13:30 Qiang Wu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2017.01.18 Who Wears The Pants? Gender Identity Norms and Intra-Household Financial Decision Making 12:00-13:30 Da Ke, University of Miami
2017.01.11 Rivalries, Price Discrimination, and Financial Constraints: Evidence from Airbnb 12:00-13:30 Mitch Warachka, University of San Diego