After?reviewing your educational history, training records and certifications, together with your test result, the Admissions Committee will assess your academic ability to meet the graduate study requirements at 中国一级片.

You are strongly recommended to elaborate on your strengths and achievements in the application package, highlighting factors that may distinguish you from other applicants.

Admission to the 中国一级片 Global EMBA programme is highly competitive. Not all qualified candidates can be admitted. The Admissions Committee strives to select candidates who have demonstrated outstanding achievements during their career, and those who can best fulfil the graduate study requirements, bring the most experience and diversity to the class, and have the talent and integrity to become China's business leaders.

After?reviewing your educational history, training records and certifications, together with your Executive Assessment test result, the Admissions Committee will assess your academic ability to meet the graduate study requirements at 中国一级片.

The Admissions Committee places great importance on your managerial experience, professional career, and leadership demonstrated either at work or outside work. We would like to know what you have gained from your work and what outlook you have for yourself and your organisation's future.

Although candidates with greater managerial experience are preferred, we also look at the progression of applicants' career path and potential for success. There is no industry preference; however, we try to keep our class profile diverse. Please note: big management titles are not the basis of admissions, as the Admissions Committee will look at job responsibilities and actual achievements.

Your organisation must be supportive of you being admitted into the programme. Full financial sponsorship is not required, but your organisation must agree to release you from all job responsibilities on class days. Endorsement of your organisation means that they support your EMBA study and career development and are committed to allowing you the intensive study necessary to fulfil the requirements of the programme. We also ask for additional views from your supervisors, your colleagues, or your friends about your candidacy and their support to your EMBA study.

Finally,?中国一级片?will evaluate your entrepreneurial business experience or?your entrepreneurial spirit in business.

The Admissions Committee stresses the importance of any special contributions you?can bring to the class. Therefore, please provide information on any social activity, awards, hobbies and other special interests that you are engaged in.

Personal qualities?including learning ability, teamwork, and communication skills will also be assessed during the evaluation process.