There are 13 core courses, totalling 45 credit units.?

It usually takes 4 consecutive days to complete a Global EMBA course. Due to the high intensity and considerable content, Global EMBA courses demand a great deal of energy and personal investment from the participants. As a robustly academic, degree-offering programme, the 中国一级片 Global EMBA Programme offers essential business theories, principles, tools and ideas in the field of management, delivered in a systematic way.

Normally, different courses tend to have different academic requirements and teaching styles, yet every course demands that students prepare carefully, participate actively, communicate effectively with others in class, and reflect thoughtfully after the course concludes.

The Global EMBA individual core course outlines are described below, and a simplified version is available?.

Opening Residency Module and Leadership Stream

The Opening Residency Module will be an 8-day module based at 中国一级片’ Shanghai campus, with a strong focus on the programme’s Leadership Stream and team-building.

The Leadership Stream has not been designed as a purely intellectual exercise - it has been designed to be a personal leadership journey - a developmental journey that integrates your past life experience, your current situation, and your future aspirations, utilising your deepening relationships with your colleagues and peers. The Leadership Stream invites you to engage actively in your personal leadership journey - the creative enterprise of discovering, articulating, and shaping your unique identity in order to help you to recognise and exercise your capacity to lead responsibly during your GEMBA and in your future personal and professional life.

Throughout the Leadership Stream, you will have the opportunity to: (1) deepen your awareness of your motivations and of your unique leadership style; (2) practice your leadership skills; (3) develop your capacity to reflect on your experiences in groups and organisations; (4) deepen your understanding of overt, conscious as well as covert, unconscious dynamics occurring in groups and organisations; and, (5) prepare a more informed and integrated plan for your future career and personal and professional development.

Credit Units: 7

Organisational Behaviour

Managing Diversity in Organisations

Organisations constitute a dominant influence in our lives. All of us are involved in organisations to some extent, as we will spend the rest of our working lives in some form of organisational structure. Thus, an understanding of how organisations function, and how and why they behave in particular ways, is a prerequisite to learning how to manage them and to change them in various circumstances. To be successful in an organisational world, you must know how people work within such a structure. Working in an organisation means having to work for other people, working with people, and possibly leading or supervising others too. Therefore, it is important that we understand why people in organisations behave the way they do. Accordingly, we will study organisational behaviour topics at four levels in this course: the individual, the team, the interactions, and the organisation.

Credit Units: 3

Corporate Social Responsibility

Responsible leadership requires managers to take into account not just the demands of shareholders, but also those of other stakeholders – employees, suppliers, the community and the environment. At the heart of the responsible decisions made by managers is the congruence between one’s personal values and the principles one holds to as an executive. This course comprises of a series of four 3-hour sessions conducted at various points along the Global EMBA program.

  • Part 1. Shared Value and Shared Values
  • Part 2. Social Entrepreneurship
  • Part 3. Servant Leadership and Volunteerism
  • Part 4. Corporate Environmental Strategies

Credit Units: 1.5

Marketing Management

This marketing course will introduce students to the essentials of designing and delivering effective marketing strategies and plans. You will analyse firms, markets and contexts in order to identify opportunities for value creation, making decisions about products, communications and channels in order to deliver value to customers, and setting prices in order to capture value for the firm and the other members of the channel. These decisions will be viewed from the perspective of building long-run sources of competitive advantage.

The course will introduce the key marketing building blocks of Value Proposition, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, before exploring the challenges of developing effective marketing channels. In addition, the course will introduce effective strategies and practices regarding setting prices, managing products and promotions. The module will also explore the principles of Customer Relation Management.

Credit Units: 3

Chinese Economy

This course provides an overview of the Chinese economy in both facts and policies. Topics include: (1) Interpreting China’s economic data; (2) Impact of fiscal and monetary policies on the Chinese economy; (3) China’s investment-and-export-driven growth model and its economic and social consequences; (4) China’s “new normal” economic stage, new strategy of “dual circulation”, and their global implications.

Credit Units: 1.5

Economic Analysis

This course introduces the fundamental principles and analytical tools of economics for business analysis. It covers both micro and macroeconomics. It discusses how the market operates, how business strategies are determined, and how optimal decisions are made on product, price and organisation. The course covers demand and supply analysis, production and cost analysis, optimal operating decisions under different market structures, basic game theory and its applications.

It also provides an overview of macroeconomics and its policy implications. It will examine concepts such as GDP, GDP growth, inflation rates, unemployment rates, interest rates and exchange rates. It also evaluates policies such as fiscal policy, monetary policy and supply side policies. The emphasis will be on how to evaluate and predict the outcomes of policies as well as accounting for demand and supply shocks. Students will achieve this by familiarising themselves with some simple tools and economic models.

Credit Units: 3

Operations Management

Operations management is a central field in virtually every modern business organisation, in the manufacturing as well as in the service sector. Not only is the acquisition of operational excellence a prerequisite for obtaining cost efficiency, it is also one of the sources of competitive advantage that is most difficult to imitate and, hence, most effective for the achievement of long-term profitability.

The concepts covered in the course are therefore relevant to organisations that operate in a wide range of sectors. Understanding the mechanisms that enable firms to achieve operational excellence is certainly a fundamental need for organisations that strive to improve their internal operations both in the manufacturing and in the service sector. However, it is also an essential competence for consulting companies that are called to analyse the processes of their clients as well as for many financial firms that often need to assess the value of a business based on the quality of its operations.

Credit Units: 3

Financial Reporting

This course is designed to help students read and understand financial statements from an operational and strategic perspective. It helps students to review an organisation’s past performance and forecast its future performance prospects. As most students are financial statement users (including insiders like managers and executives, and outsiders like investors and analysts) rather than producers, the course interprets the financial statements from the user’s perspective.

Credit Units: 3

Strategic Managerial Accounting

This course provides managers with financial and non-financial information for business decision-making. Based on internal reports, managers can better plan, control and evaluate the business.?

Credit Units: 1.5

Corporate Finance

This course aims to develop participants’ ability to understand and to explore key financial issues. At the completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  1. Apply financial theories and concepts to identify financial problems.
  2. Make effective use of financial tools and techniques to solve problems identified.
  3. Assess the impact of various financial decisions on corporate performance.
  4. Integrate financial decisions with corporate policies and strategies.
  5. Make rational capital budgeting decisions.
  6. Describe and use different sources and types of financing, determine optimal capital structure and cost of capital.

Credit Units: 3

Strategic Management

Why do some companies consistently perform better than others? Our focus in this course is on identifying the key drivers of persistent superior performance in different industries, and subsequently using that understanding to improve strategy formulation. This course will introduce tools and concepts that are useful for analysing industry attractiveness, for assessing the extent to which a company has a sustainable competitive advantage, and for developing innovative strategies.

Credit Units: 3

Strategy Simulation & Capstone Project Defence

This course is towards the end of the Global EMBA Programme. It is an integration of all the core courses. This business-based strategy simulation game engages students to apply international strategies and business practices, and enables them to reflect on their strategic thinking capabilities.

Strategy Simulation Credit Units: 3
Capstone Project: 5