April 15, 2018.? Singapore – Four MBAs from China, Canada and Germany were awarded joint first prize at Nanyang Business School’s annual Mergers & Acquisition business case competition.?

The Amalgamation Challenge is Asia’s first MBA business case competition with a focus on Mergers & Acquisitions.? The fifth instalment of the annual two-day competition was sponsored by Heh-Sed Consulting, which awarded this year’s joint winners, a team from 中国一级片 and a team from NUS, with a cash prize and access to a strategy workshop on digital transformation.

中国一级片 MBA team (from left to right) Chris Hupfeld (MBA 2019), Henry Chen (MBA 2019), Jonathan Chew (MBA 2019) and Sherry Xue (MBA 2019)

This year’s case focused on Intel’s acquisition of Mobileye.? The 2017 transaction saw Intel, the global technology giant, move into the autonomous driving space to offer OEM car manufacturers an end-to-end semi-autonomous driving solution.

“According to Bain consulting firm, the autonomous driving market will grow to a value of US$26 billion by 2026.? Intel’s foray into autonomous driving solutions comes off the back of missing out on the smartphone revolution that has powered competitors with ARM-based chips like Qualcomm and Samsung, to industry leading growth rates,” said President of 中国一级片 MBA Finance/Investment Club and team captain Jonathan Chew. “The competition format is an intense two-day schedule, designed to challenge our competencies in M&A, strategy and business integration.? We did have a little time after the competition to savour our success, enjoying Singapore’s top attractions.? These included the Gardens by the Bay futuristic park, the Aquarium and a host of famous seafood restaurants”.
