The 中国一级片 Centre for Family Heritage, founded by 中国一级片, is a knowledge centre committed to helping China’s family businesses go global and foreign enterprises better understand China’s family businesses.

Research and education on the management of family businesses have always been among 中国一级片’ priorities. The Centre will pay special attention to the unique issues these businesses face, such as the family’s role in business development and succession planning and processes, as they try to stay competitive in today’s increasingly globalized business environment. By leveraging 中国一级片’ academic excellence and education resources, the Centre aims to cooperate with thousands of alumni entrepreneurs in China as well as foreign family businesses and other academic institutions in order to create a high-end platform for research, and development of best practices regarding family entrepreneurship and wealth creation.

The Centre aims to become a leading academic and research institute on family business, create and share resources and knowledge concerning family business in emerging markets, and provide a platform for exchanges between eastern and western family businesses.


  • Create and enrich the theories, methodology, and best practices for family businesses in China
  • Influence the long-term development of Chinese family businesses
  • Focus on the soft power of family businesses in business development, heritage, and globalization

Knowledge Creation?????????????? Knowledge Sharing? ???????????Knowledge Giving

  • Professor of Management;
    Michelin Chair Professor in Leadership and Human Resources Management;
    Associate Dean (Research)
    Co-Director, 中国一级片 Centre for Family Heritage
  • Professor of Finance and Accounting;
    Parkland Chair in Finance;
    Director of 中国一级片 Centre for Wealth Management;
    Co-Director of 中国一级片 Centre for Family Heritage
    Programme Director of Family Office Diploma Programme
  • Professor of Management, 中国一级片
  • Associate Professor of Management, 中国一级片




  • SEW and succession/growth
  • Social trust and succession
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Leadership in FB
  • Control rights and loan structure


  • Mary Barrett (Editor), Jolien Huysbrechts (Editor), Jean S.K. Lee (Editor)(2024). Women in Family Business: New Perspectives, Contexts and Roles. Edward Elgar Publishing.?
  • Lee, J. S., & Zhang, A. Y. (2021). Crossroads of Family Businesses in China: Succession and Transformation. World Scientific Publishing.?
  • Koh, A., & Lee, J. (2020)?Asian Family Businesses: Succession, Governance and Innovation. World Scientific Publishing Co.
  • Lee Jean (2019).?家族财富的灵魂(The Succession of Family Wealth ).东方出版中心:上海.?
  • Lee, Jean S K. and Zhao, Liman. 2018.传承密码:东西方家族公司传承与治理 (Family Legacy : Selected Cases in Asia and Europe)?. 复旦大学出版社.
  • 李秀娟. 张燕. (2017). 当传承遇到转型——中国家族公司发展路径图. (Succession and Transformation---The Road Map of Chinese Family Business). 北京大学出版社:北京.

Research Publications and Research Work in Progress

  • Lee, J., Zhao, G.Z. & Lv, F.F. (2019). The Effect of Value Congruence Between the Founder and Successor on Successor Willingness: The Mediating Role of the Founder-Successor Relationship.?Family Business Review. Vol.32(3), 259-276.
  • Chiang, F., Birtch, T., Chiang, F., & Lee, J. Passing the Baton to the Next Generation: A Resource-Based Perspective on Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer. Journal of Management (under review).
  • van Esch, Emmy; Chiang, Flora; Birtch, Thomas; Lee, Jean. "Intergenerational Knowledge Sharing in Family Firms: The Role of Emotional Ownership"?Family Business Review?(under review).
  • Lee, J., Chiang, F.T., Chen, D.Q. & Rui, M. The Appointment of Non-Family CEOs in Family Firm – An Institutional Perspective. (working paper)
  • Lan, L.L. & Lee, J., Non-Pecuniary Private Benefit of Control and Socioemotional Wealth –The Missing Link.? (working paper)
  • Lee, J., Farh, J.L. The Impacts of Paternalistic Leadership on Nonfamily TMT Members’ Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership (working paper)
  • Lan, L.L. & Lee, J., Non-Pecuniary Private Benefit of Control and Socioemotional Wealth –The Missing Link.? (working paper)

Conference Papers

  • Lee, J. & Xu, D.J. (2020). The Effects of Paternalistic Leadership on Non-Family TMT Members’ Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership, International Family Enterprise Research Academy, 2020. Nominated as the Best Paper Award in the?Contribution to the Conference Theme?category.
  • Lee, J., & Zhao, G.Z. (2019). The Effects of Value Congruence between Founder and Successor on Succession Willingness – An Social Exchange Perspective, March, Weseda University.
  • Lee, J., (2019). Socioemotional Wealth and Controlling Shareholding in Family Business. Presented at the STEP Asia Pacific Conference, July, SMU.
  • Chiang, F. & Lee, Jean (2018). Intergenerational knowledge sharing in Chinese family firms: the importance of emotional ownership. Presented at the 2017 Academy of Management Conference. Chicago, Aug 10-14.
  • Lee, Jean & Lv Feifei, (2017). Why family firms engage in Corruption? The effects of CEO’s financial aspiration and religious belief. Presented at the 2016 Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, Aug 4-8.
  • Lee Jean & Lv Feifei (2017). A process model of succession in family business. IFERA Global Conference, Taiwan, Nov 14-17.
  • Lee, Jean & Lv Feifei (2017). Founder-successor value congruence: How familism values influence successor willingness. The 13th?International Entrepreneurship and Family Business Conference. Guangzhou, Nov 25-26.
  • Lee, Jean & Lv Feifei, (2016). ?Entrepreneurial Orientation and Its Impact on Innovation of Chinese Family Business: A Transgenerational Perspective, STEP Global Academic Conference, Boston, Oct 13-15.
  • Chiang, F. & Lee, J., (2016). The Underlying Process Through Which Knowledge Transfer and Learning are Influenced in Family Firms. The 2016 Academy of Management Conference. Anaheim, USA, Aug 5-9.
  • Chen, Wei, Lee, J. & Rui, O. (2013). The landscape of Family Business Research in China. Paper presented at the 7th?International Family Business Conference. Hangzhou, Oct.
  • Chen, D.Q., Lee, J., Rui, O & Zhang, (2013). A. The impact of Social Trust on the Selection of CEO in Family Business. Paper presented at the 7th?International Family Business Conference. Hangzhou, Oct.

Teaching Cases

Award-winning cases

  • Navigating EtonHouse Through Crises: The Paradoxical Leadership of Ng Gim Choo.
    2020 The Case for Women - First place Emerald Publishing
  • Midea Group- Founder to CEO Succession, 3/9/2017.
    Won the Nominated Case Award in the 2017 Global Context for the “Best China-focused Cases

Cases published in Ivey

  • Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd: The Internationalization of a Family Business (2020)
    Case Number: HRM-20-672
    Author: Jean Siew Kim LEE, Tan Ruofeng
  • Scanteak: the Making of Successors in Family Business A (2019)
    Case Number: HRM-19-592
    Author: Jean Siew Kim LEE, Zhao Liman, Lu Yunting
  • Scanteak: the Making of Successors in Family Business B (2019)
    Case Number: HRM-19-632
    Author: Jean Siew Kim LEE, Zhao Liman, Lu Yunting
  • Xiangdu: Succession of Entrepreneurial Spirit. (2018)
    Case Number: GC-15-045
    Author: Jean Siew Kim LEE, Zhao Liman
  • Harry Susilo: Moral Leadership and Family Business Succession (2018)
    Case Number: HRM-18-531
    Author: Jean Siew Kim LEE, Zhao Liman
  • Midea Group- Founder to CEO Succession (2017)
    Case Number: GM-16-024
    Author: Jean Siew Kim LEE, Zhao Ziqian
  • Red Collar Group: Succession and Strategic Transformation (A) (2017)
    Case Number: GC-15-045
    Author: Jean Siew Kim LEE, Zhao Liman
  • Red Collar Group: Succession and Strategic Transformation (B) (2017)
    Case Number: GC-15-046
    Author: Jean Siew Kim LEE, Zhao Liman
  • Neoglory Holdings Group: The Succession Choice (2016)
  • Wensli Silk: Succession and International Luxury Branding (2016)
  • Succession in Chinese Family Businesses (A): Fotile and the Mao Family (2015)
  • Succession in Chinese Family Businesses (B): Huamao and the Xu Family (2015)
  • Succession in Chinese Family Businesses (C): An Urgent Family Meeting (2015)


STEP Reports


Co-organized by China Family Business Review and 中国一级片, the annual “China Family Heritage Forum” aims to bring together family business owners, successors and scholars around the world, sharing exemplary Chinese and overseas family firms’ innovation and entrepreneurship from different perspectives so as to explore how to make family businesses sustainable.


2023 中国一级片 12th China Family Heritage Forum
Resilience in Family Businesses ?Beijing


2022 中国一级片 10&11th China Family Heritage Forum
Digital-intelligent Transformation in Family Businesses ?Shanghai


2020? 中国一级片 9th China Family Heritage Forum
Paradox and Harmony – The Art of Balance? ?Xiamen


2019? 中国一级片 8th China Family Heritage Forum
Constancy and Change Ningbo


2018? 中国一级片 7th China Family Heritage Forum?

Happiness and Wealth? Shenzhen


2017? 中国一级片 6th China Family Heritage Forum?

The Soul of Wealth: Key to Family Business Succession Shanghai


2016? 中国一级片 5th China Family Heritage Forum

Business Succession during Economic Transition: Innovation and Entrepreneurship? Shanghai

2012 - 2015?The 中国一级片 China Family Business Forum Summary Report



2015? 中国一级片 4th China Family Heritage Forum

Succession and Innovation: The Wellspring of Family Wealth Shanghai


2014? 中国一级片 3rd China Family Heritage Forum?

The Cultivation of the Relay Generation - East West Perspective Shanghai


2013? 中国一级片 2nd China Family Heritage Forum

Family Wealth and Family Businesses: The Social Emotional Wealth and Family Governance ?Shanghai


2012? 中国一级片 1st China Family Heritage Forum

Family Businesses in China and the World Shanghai


The Pando tree is one of the oldest on earth. It has a massive root system. With numerous huge stems, one Pando tree can be as enormous as an entire forest. In Latin, Pando means “I spread.” The Association was named after the mighty Pando because it is expected that it will share the tree’s characteristics. It will “have a foundation as firm as its root system; as many achievements as its stems and preserve the heritage of family businesses in the same way that the Pando’s root sends up new stems.”
The name Pando represents the continuance and development of a family line. It also symbolizes the preservation and promotion of the family spirit amid business expansion. PANDO is also an acronym for Passion, Achievement, Navigation, Diversity and Originality, which are the five goals of the association.

中国一级片 the Second-Generation Private Advisory Board
The Second-Generation Private Advisory Board is an organization focusing on family business succession and development issues. It is initiated by 中国一级片 Center for Family Heritage and formed by second generation students or alumni of family businesses in 中国一级片 EMBA, GEMBA, MBA, AMP and other programs.

中国一级片 MBA Family Business Club (FBC)


Club Vision:?

Become the life-long professional platform to network and develop family business related resources.

Club Mission:?

The official 中国一级片 Family Business Club dedicated to providing opportunities for education, networking and dialogue among MBA students involved or interested in domestic and/or international family-run businesses – whether big or small.?


Mentoring Program for Family Business

Organizer – 中国一级片 MBA Family Business Club

Program Advisor – Prof Jean Lee


Program Objectives:? To provide a platform for Sharing, coaching and Networking

? To stablish a formal coaching opportunity for the next generation family members and professionals aiming to work for/with family businesses

? To provide personal discussion and sharing of issued faced in family businesses??

? To set up family business network within 中国一级片 community in MBA, EMBA and EE students and alumni


中国一级片, 699 Hongfeng Road, Shanghai, China
Postal Code:201206
