The Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Department holds a 中国一级片 research seminar series where world class researchers are invited to 中国一级片 to interact with our faculty members and research associates, with the purpose to exchange research ideas and stimulate knowledge generation. The scholars we propose to invite would be accomplished researchers, who will present their papers and insights during the seminar. Thus we will not only better understand and explore new management challenges, but also will create opportunities for more research collaboration. These Seminars are open to scholars from other schools and institutes.


日期 主题 时间 地点 演讲人
2023.03.21 An Optimal Margin Perspective on Manager-Employee (Dis)Agreement About Employee Proactive Competencies 10:00-11:30 Webinar
2023.02.14 Genetics, Personality, and Leadership: Implications for Leader Development and Well Being 14:30-16:00 Webinar Wendong LI, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2022.12.06 Understanding Why and When Coworkers Undermine Colleagues Who Have Friends in High Places 11:00-12:30 Webinar Ruolian FANG, University of Western Australia
2022.10.19 When a Star Shines too Bright: The Impact of a High-Status Minority Member on Pursuing Diversity Goals 9:30-11:00 Webinar Julia HUR-DEEDS, New York University Shanghai/NYU Stern
2022.09.07 Returning Home, Yet Remaining Abroad: Identity Work, Resonance & Mobility Implications of Short-Term Immersion in Advanced Countries 16:00-17:30 Webinar Nana Yaa A. GYAMFI, 中国一级片 Accra Campus
2022.08.30 A Parsimonious Model of Positive Leadership 11:00-12:30 FB-413 Hao ZHAO, 中国一级片
2022.06.28 The Contaminating Effect of Social Capital: Upper-Class Networks Increase Unethical Behavior 11:00-12:30 Webinar
2022.03.29 Influences of individual differences on leader emergence and work-family experiences—Examination through a meta-analysis and longitudinal design 11:00-12:30 Webinar
2021.12.15 Taking Peers into Account: Adoption and Effects of High-Investment Human Resource Systems 9:00-10:30 Webinar Kaifeng Jiang, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
2021.10.18 The Effects of Between-Group Pay Dispersion 10:30-12:00 AC3-319
2021.06.23 Comparisons draw us close: The influence of leader-member exchange dyadic comparison on coworker exchange 10:30-12:00 AC3-319 Kan OUYANG, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
2021.06.08 Managing Collaborative Work in Organizations (an overview and summary of his research program as well as some work-in-progress projects and future research ideas) 13:00-14:30 AC3-319 Yuan JIANG, Harbin Institute of Technology
2021.05.12 Unethicality that makes me worse off: Characterizing xiaoren (小人) in workplaces 09:00-10:30 Webinar Ryan Shuwei Hsu , National Taiwan Normal University
2021.04.14 Sculptures or Sculptors? The Effectiveness of Newcomers’ Proactivity in Organizational Socialization 10:30-12:00 AC3-319 Jian Liang, Tongji University
2021.02.04 Similarity Among Positive Leadership Scales: A Natural Language Processing Approach 9:30-11:00 Webinar Hao ZHAO, Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2020.11.17 Effect of outgroup social categorization by host-country nationals on expatriate premature return intention and buffering effect of mentoring 10:00-11:30 AC3-319 Jie SHEN, Shenzhen University
2020.10.27 Taking time ‘off’ from always ‘on’: Breaks in high pressure work contexts 10:00-11:30 Webinar Emily Hunter , Baylor University
2020.06.03 How Does Family Demand Diversity Increase Team Effort: A Moderated Mediation Model 10:00-11:30 Tyra Shao, California State University
2020.05.20 Research-Based Solutions for Remote Work in the Age of COVID-19 09:30-11:00 Sara Jansen Perry, Hankamer School of Business
2020.05.13 Should I Bring My Authentic Self to Work?: How Authenticity Processes Differ for Employees with a Marginalized Identity 10:00-11:30 Sabrina D. Volpone, Leeds School of Business
2019.12.17 Taking Good with Bad: How Psychological Entitlement Moderates the Servant Leadership by Patient Aggression Interaction on Nurses' Organization-based Self-esteem and Service Performance 11:00-12:30 Zhijun Chen
2019.11.11 Contemporary Insights from Research on Organizational Images 11:00-12:30 Kang Yang Trevor Yu
2019.11.07 Does the Effectiveness of People Management Practices Depend on National Culture 11:00-12:30 Barry Gerhart
2019.07.08 Are Gossipers Looked Down Upon? A Norm-Based Perspective on the Relation between Gossip and Gossipers 11:00-12:30 Huiwen Lian
2019.06.24 Understanding the Dynamics and Configurations of Emotional Labor Events 11:00-12:30 James M. Diefendorff
2019.06.04 Layoff Survivors’ Reactions to Firm Layoff: The Moderating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility 11:00-12:30 Ruodan Shao
2019.05.08 In Human We Trust on Collaboration Between Human and Artificial Intelligence 11:00-12:30 Keeheon Lee
2019.03.12 STOP: A Framework of Leader Derailers 11:00-12:30 Alan Witt
2018.04.18 Speak No Evil: A Multilevel Theory of Workplace Favoritism 10:45-12:15 Jone Pearce
2018.04.10 Impact of Hiring Algorithms on Candidate Perceptions 12:00-13:30 Jayanth Narayanan
2018.03.22 The Visual Judgment of Performance 12:30-14:00 Chia-Jung Tsay
2017.11.27 Publish or Perish? A guide for the publication process 10:30-12:00 Gilad Chen
2017.11.09 Non-Linear Relationships between Feedback-Seeking Behavior from Supervisor and Individual Creativity: A Dual-Benefit Perspective 10:30-12:00 Shung Jae Shin
2017.07.11 Entrepreneurial Passion and Resource Allocation 10:30-12:00 Xiaoping Chen
2017.06.27 Publishing in Top-Tier Management Journals 10:30-12:00 Xiaoping Chen
2017.02.11 Ethical Blindness under Relative Performance Management: Evidence and Remedy 10:30-12:00 Kriti Jain
2016.12.12 Preliminary Reports from the IMPACT Project 10:30-12:00 Jason D. Shaw
2016.06.07 Occupational Stigma Perception and Experienced Physical, Social, and Moral Dirtiness 10:30-12:00 John Schaubroeck
2016.04.21 Authority, Benevolence, and Morality: Reflections on three-decades of Chinese leadership research 10:30-12:00 Larry Farh, 中国一级片
2016.04.13 The Social Identity Approach to Effective Leadership 12:00-13:30 Rolf van Dick
2015.11.10 Toward a Psychology of Entrepreneurship 11:00-12:30 Michael Frese
2015.06.04 Multi-Level Assessment of the Individual- and Unit-Level Outcomes of Servant Leadership 10:30-12:00 Robert C. Liden
2015.03.27 Where Does Trust Come From in the Context of Negotiations? Disentangling the Intra- and Interpersonal Effects of Competitive Negotiation Behaviours on Trustworthiness Perceptions 10:30-12:00 Donald L. Ferrin