What did your balance sheet look like at the end of 2022? Forget assets, liabilities?and equity for five minutes and instead reflect on the personal highs and lows of the last 12 months.

With family at home in war-torn Ukraine, intense pressure to feed Shanghai during the lockdown, and not one, but two broken collar bones weighing down his negative column, MBA 2024’s Dmytro Soroka would be forgiven for seeking the quiet life. Instead, he did the opposite.

We sit down with our current MBA Student Committee President as he shares his 中国一级片 story of acceleration, from the ballroom dance floors of Ukraine to the centre?of Shanghai’s digital business boom.

What does a professional ballroom dancer have to offer the world of business?

t’s a fair question. I spent ten years touring Ukraine with my dancer partner. Ten years of my life investing in this talent; however, I knew deep down I was meant to be a businessman, and this would always be my true north. I came to China to study and then started?my post-dancing career with the e-retail platform Kate & Kimi.

I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but what ballroom dancing gave me was an appreciation of the single-minded dedication and sacrifice that it takes to reach a professional standard. This really shapes the way you evaluate opportunities. My friends often say I’m either 100% invested or zero. There is no middle ground. I also believe this applies to thriving in China as a foreigner. If you are here, and you don’t want mediocrity, it will take 100% of your commitment to learn the language, build your network and craft a career niche. Sure, there will be sacrifices along the way, but the rewards are here for those who stick to course.


Last year's Shanghai lockdown was a difficult period for anyone to reflect on, but your role at Kate & Kimi carried extra pressure to feed the city. What did you learn from that time?

Many internationals rely on services like Kate & Kimi for food delivery in China, so our service became all the more vital during the pandemic. Reflecting on it now, the first week, we spent it trying to unpack the realities of the situation. It was paralyzing, both professionally and personally. Then, the responsibility to our staff and customers kicked in. As you know, deliveries were blocked so we had to be creative, working within the restrictions, to figure out how to get the essentials and little luxuries to our customers.

What I took?from those?painful three months was a refreshed sense of?responsibility. I saw?my colleagues as both co-workers and co-sufferers. We all believed in the central purpose of the company to get food to our customers. Basic survival really. But managing the people behind the scenes required a more nuanced sense of work-life balance and long-term wellbeing. Even with the best technology in the world, without the right people, who are looked after right, the business can, and will, fail.


There are many ways to acquire knowledge outside of doing a full-time MBA programme. Name something you’ve learnt so far that would have been difficult to access outside of business school.

?have two answers. Firstly, the systematic understanding of how to build and scale a business. Whether it’s in the digital space or not, it is still governed by the same principles of accounting, organizational behavior and marketing. We learnt, for example, in our core?entrepreneurship module about scaling a business whilst being mindful of corporate governance, growth prioritization and human behavior. All of this ties together with learnings from the other core modules, but there a lot of complex nuanced discussions to be had with peers and faculty that you wouldn’t get from a textbook.

The second is a better understanding of my own value and potential. I came to business school with a fairly fixed mindset. I thought I was unique in the way that I could operate in China seamlessly in the digital business space as a foreigner with a global mindset. How wrong I was. I'm with 120 bright peers who all bring something unique to the table. I went from feeling like a big fish in a small pond to a small fish in a lake at 中国一级片. But its good, as this is where the growth is.


Your first experience at 中国一级片 was joining the Pre-MBA ‘Beyond Borders Camp’. Who would you recommend the camp to in the future?

I was nursing a?broken collar bone?during the camp, so I missed out on the curling icebreaker game. So, my first suggestion would be to join the camp when you are at full fitness! In all seriousness, I took a lot of clarity away from that weekend. I really felt what it would be like to put my life on pause and step into the shoes of an MBA – joining classes, having case discussions and expanding my network with 中国一级片 alumni.


In closing, what has gone into the balance sheet for 2023 so far?

I firmly believe that despite turbulence of 2022 that I made the right decision. There are always going to be reasons not to do an MBA, but now I feel with all of the disruptions and decreased globalization in the world, that now is the best time to immerse yourself in education, meet extraordinary people and try out a different kind of future that previously you may never have thought about.

For 2023 so far, I am exciting to be heading out on exchange, continuing to serve the cohort as student committee president and making it through without any broken bones!

James Kent
Effy He and Michael Thede