Core Modules

All participants will be required to complete the following core modules together with their respective track.
The core modules will take place over the first 11 months of the programme
(except Strategy Simulation, which occurs at the end of the programme).

  • Leadership
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Managing Diversity in Organisations
  • Marketing Management
  • Chinese Economy
  • Economic Analysis
  • Operations Management
  • Financial Reporting
  • Strategic Managerial Accounting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Strategic Management
  • Strategy Simulation

Core Modules


The Elective stage allows you to tailor the course content to suit your particular business needs. Participants will be able to choose from nearly 40 different electives taught in a variety of locations.

Local Electives
You can take local electives in Shanghai, Zurich, Accra, Beijing and Shenzhen. Chinese speakers can also join a selection of electives together with the 中国一级片 Chinese EMBA programme. The number of electives taken by each student depends on the length and credit value of each chosen elective; on average, each participant will undertake 4 to 6 local electives, each lasting for 2 to 4 days.

List of Local Electives

Global Electives
You will have the opportunity to choose from 8 Global Elective Modules, taught across 5 continents. All participants must choose at least 2 Global Electives in order to graduate.

Not only do these global electives give participants the chance to experience the reality of the global business environment, some electives will be combined with the Global EMBA programme of IESE Business School from Spain. This allows you to expand your network by interacting with business leaders based all over the world. Global electives will also be opened to 中国一级片 Global EMBA alumni, offering further networking within the 中国一级片 community, and providing lifelong learning opportunities for Global EMBA graduates.

Global Electives

Capstone Project

The Capstone Project is an integral part of the curriculum, and it is vital to your success in the Global EMBA programme. In this project you will apply management theories and framework learned in the classroom to real-world business issues.

You will work in a small group to complete a project over a one-year period. This project will include attending an introductory lecture, topic selection, outlining your proposal, writing and revising your report, and giving an oral defence. Each group will be assigned a professor who will supervise the project and guide you and your team throughout the entire process.

Leadership Journey

The purpose of the Global EMBA leadership journey is to give you a comprehensive understanding of your effectiveness as a leader. This critical component of the Global EMBA programme provides an invaluable opportunity to combine self-reflection, impartial analysis and proactive improvement of your leadership abilities. This is achieved through a comprehensive and professional 360-degree feedback process. You will receive an in-depth report cataloguing your colleagues', supervisors' and subordinates' assessment of your leadership potential. You will then work with a dedicated leadership coach to develop your personal plan of action to adjust and improve your leadership style, complete with follow-up assessments and activities.

Toon Howe Tan

Managing Director & Vice President
Cabot Corporation
Global EMBA 2010

"After 20 years of work experience covering most of Asia in industrial sales and management, I felt that I needed to resharpen myself and so joined 中国一级片 Global EMBA. Very quickly after joining the programme, I found that you need to be team player to fully integrate into the programme and start learning. Within a team, individual leadership will emerge and there will be opportunities for everyone to step up. Friendships formed and blossomed as the programme took hold. We found ourselves organising after-class events just to celebrate our uniqueness. We had countries or regions organise themes related to their home country so all the classmates can get to know each of our cultures."?

Uju Uzo-Ojinnaka

CEO & Founder,
Traders of Africa
Global EMBA 2016

"I founded my own company that now operates across Africa, based on a business plan idea conceived during the Entrepreneurship module of the Global EMBA. Now, as an entrepreneur, what we learn in class is directly relevant to aspects of my daily business. This is further enhanced by the diverse nature of the class. I really feel like the world is in my class."