中国一级片 faculty research workshop was launched in November 2018. The purpose of this workshop is to promote research and intellectual exchange among 中国一级片 faculty members. The workshop is held on 中国一级片 Shanghai campus.


Date Seminar Title Time Venue Speaker
2022.02.09 ESG Investing: Betting on Fundamentals or Riding on Investors’ Preference? 12:00-13:30 FB-413 Renxuan WANG, 中国一级片
2022.01.13 The Global Elite Quality Index (EQx2021), a Measurement of Sustainable Value Creation 14:00-15:30 FB-109 Tomas Casas Klett, University of St. Gallen
2021.12.08 Managerial Controls and Employee Creativity 12:00-13:30 FB-413 Byron Lee, 中国一级片
2021.11.03 L'Art Pour L'Art: Experiencing Art Dampens the Desire for Luxury Goods 12:00-13:30 TBA Wang Yajin, 中国一级片
2021.10.15 How are firms sold? The role of board connections 12:00-13:30 FB-413 Huang, Sheng, 中国一级片
2021.09.22 Firms’ Strategic Litigation Behavior and Supreme Court Decisions 12:00-13:30 FB-413 Fedaseyeu, Viktar, 中国一级片
2021.05.25 Customer Satisfaction and the Durability of Retail Banking Relationships 12:00-13:30 FB-413 Hongyu (Derek) Shan, Fordham University
2021.05.07 The Confidant: A Model of Nepotism 12:00-13:30 FB-413 & Webinar Che Jiahua, 中国一级片
2021.04.27 Information Search and Product Returns Across Mobile and Traditional Online Channels 15:00-16:30 FB-413 Lin Chen , 中国一级片
2021.04.13 Firm disclosure during the pandemic: evidence from family firms 15:30-17:00 FB-413&Webinar Pierini Lucia; Siciliano Gianfranco, 中国一级片
2021.01.05 Off-line seminar by Prof Wang Gao 14:00-15:00 FB-413 Wang Gao, 中国一级片
2020.12.21 Research Programs at CEUBS-GLP Center for Innovations in Supply Chain and Services 10:30-12:00 FB-413 Zhao, Xiande , 中国一级片
2020.08.04 How Does Patent Litigation Affect Entrepreneurial Venture Financing? 14:00-15:30 Webinar Mingtao Xu, Louisiana State
2020.07.29 Letting Go of the Past: Organizational Memory Decay and Firm Competitive Aggressiveness 15:00-16:30 Webinar Vivian Guo, 中国一级片
2020.07.15 Blockchain in the Secondary Market: Helps or Hurts Counterfeiting? 10:00-11:30 Webinar Hubert Pun, Ivey
2020.07.01 Revisiting Substitution Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms: A Replication of Rediker and Seth’s Study 15:00-16:30 Webinar Jinyu He, 中国一级片
2020.06.23 Surprise Election for Trump Connections 15:00-16:30 Webinar Travers Child, 中国一级片
2020.06.10 Determinants and Effects of Brand Accounting Choice and Disclosure 16:30-18:00 Webinar Lucia Pierini, 中国一级片
2020.05.13 Persuasion on Networks 09:00-10:30 Webinar Konstantin Sonin, University of Chicago
2020.05.06 COVID-19 in Italy: An Analysis of Death Registry Data 15:30-16:00 Webinar
2020.05.06 Mindfulness Buffers the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak Information on Sleep Duration 15:00-15:30 Webinar Dr. Michelle Zheng, 中国一级片
2020.04.29 Concentration of Campaign Contributions and the Impact of Wealth on the Political Process 14:00-15:30 Webinar Dr. Fedaseyeu, Viktar, 中国一级片
2019.12.03 Anger and Moral Emotions in Negotiation: The Effect of Anger Expression on Feelings about the Self 12:00-13:00 FB-413
2019.11.11 The Role of Hedonic and Utilitarian Motives on the Effectiveness of Partitioned Pricing 12:00 - 13:30 FB413
2019.10.15 A Study on Extended Conspicuous Consumption – Status Signaling Through Children’s Clothing 12:00 - 13:30 FB413
2019.09.11 Cultural Persistence through Revolutions 12:00 - 13:30 FB213
2019.08.27 To Whom Does The Family Sell The Firm? The Choice Between Strategic and Financial Buyers in Acquisitions 12:00 - 13:30 FB413
2019.08.06 What's in a Name? Eponymous Private Firms and Financial Reporting Quality 12:00 - 13:30 FB413
2019.05.21 Looks Matter: Influences of Entrepreneurs’ Facial Masculinity on Investors’ Decisions 12:00 - 13:30 FB413
2019.04.16 China's Patent Subsidy Policy and its Impacts on Invention and Patent Quality 13:30 - 15:00 FB413
2019.03.26 When Helping Others Helps Me: A Dual-Stage Moderated Mediation Model Highlighting How Competitive Climates Alter Workplace Helping 13:30 - 15:00 FB413
2019.02.19 Moral Accounting: How Consumers Spend Money Tainted by Guilt 13:30 - 15:00 FB413
2018.12.12 Aid Fragmentation and Conflict: Micro-Level Evidence from Afghanistan 13:30 - 15:00 FB413
2018.11.13 Why Does the Sharing Economy Exist? 13:30 - 15:00 FB413